Costmenu Blog Post

War by Russia on Ukraine threatens world's 'breadbasket' supply

Russian war threatens breadbasket supply

The war by Russian on Ukraine is anticipated to create global disruptions to wheat supplies, though it has not happen yet prices have already surged 55 percent.

The following article was posted by: BY JOSEPH WILSON, SAMY MAGDY, AYA BATRAWY AND CHINEDU ASADU | ASSOCIATED PRESS posted on Titled: Russian war in world's 'breadbasket' threatens food supply
Article Posted: March 6, 2022

The key take-aways from the article are as follows:

  • Black Sea region - known as the 'breadbasket of the world.'
  • Russia and Ukraine combine for nearly a third of the world's wheat and barley exports
  • Ukrainian farmers have been forced to neglect their fields as millions flee, fight, or try to stay alive
  • Prices have surged 55 percent since a week before the invasion amid concerns about what could happen next
  • Multiple countries in the area and the world are concerned about the situation
  • Ukraine supplies the EU with just under 60 percent of its corn and nearly half of a key component in the grains needed to feed livestock

Costmenu can help restaurant owners address the concerns noted above as we provide the following solutions:

Track wheat and food costs with Costmenu.

Costmenu allows users to track food cost and prepared item costs that are affected by wheat. Knowing what items are using what food ingredient are critical to make sure menu items are priced right in order to get the proper returns. Users can see in real time the effect of inflation and surges in what items are changing and what adjustments need to be made.

Compare food and menu ingredient pricing against each other.

Users can compare different food item costs such as wheat-based items and their usage against other items. Costmenu users can see certain ingredients compared to other can influence the overall costs. This can be useful when needing to replace a more expensive product with another food item or to see if a menu item pricing is feasible based on the ingredients used.

About Costmenu:
Costmenu is a food/menu/recipe costing software that offer many advantages over excel spreadsheets and other inventory management programs. Costmenu integrates a powerful dashboard, food, prepared, and menu item costing features, menu building features, custom qr code label makers, document storage, event/catering management features, data security, performance measurement, data analysis and comparisons, CRM, and generation of various reports. For more information on Costmenu, visit, email, or phone (949) 274-4814.